Europe > Montenegro > Budva > Hotel Blue Star

Information about Hotel Blue Star

Welcome to Hotel Blue Star on our reservation portal PensionHotel. You get comprehensive information about selected object Hotel Blue Star, about prices, facilities and attractions in the surroundings. Here you will find the address and all contact information for the selected object Hotel Blue Star, if they do not include contact information, you can check availability, or immediately fill out the reservation form.

  • Hotel Blue Star

Hotel Blue Star: hotels Budva - Pensionhotel - HotelsHotel Blue Star: hotels Budva - Pensionhotel - HotelsHotel Blue Star: hotels Budva - Pensionhotel - HotelsHotel Blue Star: hotels Budva - Pensionhotel - HotelsHotel Blue Star: hotels Budva - Pensionhotel - HotelsHotel Blue Star: hotels Budva - Pensionhotel - HotelsHotel Blue Star: hotels Budva - Pensionhotel - HotelsHotel Blue Star: hotels Budva - Pensionhotel - HotelsHotel Blue Star: hotels Budva - Pensionhotel - HotelsHotel Blue Star: hotels Budva - Pensionhotel - HotelsHotel Blue Star: hotels Budva - Pensionhotel - HotelsHotel Blue Star: hotels Budva - Pensionhotel - HotelsHotel Blue Star: hotels Budva - Pensionhotel - HotelsHotel Blue Star: hotels Budva - Pensionhotel - HotelsHotel Blue Star: hotels Budva - Pensionhotel - HotelsHotel Blue Star: hotels Budva - Pensionhotel - HotelsHotel Blue Star: hotels Budva - Pensionhotel - Hotels
Name:  Hotel Blue Star
Street:  Mainski put bb
City:  85310 Budva
Country:  Montenegro
Map:  show map
Average price:
45 €

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Hotel Blue Star是一间迷人的会议周末酒店,内部配备了高档舒适的设施,为您供应包括本地精致糕点和法式糕点的美味佳肴,就坐落于戏剧、音乐和节日之城Budva。 Budva是巴尔干地区最古老的居住区之一。风景如画的Budva Riviera海滨拥有令人印象深刻的文化和历史遗产,包括众多的古迹、寺庙、教堂和防御工事。 客人可以在Budva的街道和广场上度过迷人的娱乐之夜。独特的Blue Star餐厅可以容纳68位客人,供应本地菜肴和国际美食,并且为您提供多种选择的葡萄酒。 您可以在充满传统法式风格的Bonjour Café咖啡厅品尝美味的自制糕点和冰淇淋。

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